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Secure Everything You Build and Run in the Web

Protect your business web applications with our external security assessments. Track security status through intuitive dashboard. Identify and eliminate OWASP Top 10 risks. Plus, benefit from quick wins to protect against this year top threats.

Plans Options

Starts at
29 monthly
A comprehensive platform tailored for small IT teams, security enthusiasts, and hobby projects
Starts at
Ideal for Small and Medium sized businesses seeking centralized security control and streamlined reporting capabilities
Starts at
Advanced features and capabilities from previous plans, along with expert verification for enhanced security measures


V Platform on Private Server
V Custom Findings Integration
V Metrics Dashboard
V Backup Options
V Regional Server Option
V Custom Reporting Features
V Accessible on Different Devices
V Full Control Over Vulnerability Elimination

V All in Lite Plan
+Automated Scanning
 - Assessment of Server Ports, APIs, and SSL/TSL Configurations
- Code Analysis for Websites
- Detection of XSS and SQL Injections

+Guidance for Mitigation
+Integration with Jira and GitHub
+Automation with Teams and Slack

V All in Standard Plan

+Additional Integration Options

- integration options with third-party tools and platforms

+Manual Assessment from Cyber Security Expert

 Frequently Asked Questions 

Will the automated assessment impact the performance of website?

No, automated assessments will not break your website. However, they may temporarily slow down its performance due to running scanners. It's advisable to schedule assessments during periods of low website traffic to minimize any potential impact on user experience.

What tools are utilized for automated assessments?

We utilize over 15 vulnerability assessment tools to conduct automated assessments. These tools scan your website for vulnerabilities such as XSS and SQL injections, analyze your website's JavaScript code, APIs, and server ports. After the scan, you'll receive comprehensive results from various scanners on platform.

Where is the data containing vulnerabilities stored?

All data with is securely stored on your private server. You have full control over this data and can download or remove it at any time. Please ensure to download your data before canceling your subscription, as all platform data will be permanently removed from  server.

Can I collaborate with others on the platform?

Absolutely! You can collaborate with your team or work individually on our platform. Our user friendly interface allows for seamless collaboration, enhancing productivity and efficiency in addressing security concerns.

Can I upload results from other vulnerability assessment tools?

Yes, our platform supports uploads from over 150 different vulnerability and testing tools. You'll receive instructions on how to upload results from these tools, including the required format. Additionally, you can view the available tools for uploads on our platform.

Is it possible to upgrade my subscription later?

Yes, you can easily upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your subscription at any time according to your needs. We provide flexible subscription options to accommodate your evolving requirements. Be sure to review the terms of your subscription for additional details.

Have Questions?

If you have any questions or unsure if this is the right fit for you, leave your info or chat live for further assistance.

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